Upper Rancheria Community Fuel Break
Upper Rancheria Fuel Break - PROPOSED
Project Stats:
• 44,893 feet long
• 8.5 miles long
• An estimates 309 acres at an average of 300 feet wide
Currently the AFSC has funding to conduct initial field visits and begin the on-the-ground planning of the fuel break. For the AFSC to complete this work we must secure an executed a Right of Entry from the included landowners within the project area. Project implementation will entail removing brush and small vegetation using multiple treatment practices to create a shaded fuel break. Treatment will include the development of a 300-400 ft swath of shaded fuel break treated with a variety of fuel reduction tools, such as: hand thinning, mastication, chipping, hand pile, and hand pile burning. AFSC is including this project in a grant application to CalFire's Wildfire Prevention CCI grant. If funding is awarded planning work is anticipated in spring of 2023 and implementation will continue throughout 2024.